Dear Rebecca.

I think you are doing something very valuable.

Can I ask you to put a summary of your posts at the top of them.

Substack is getting more and more crowded and so people need to know what they are going to get.

Getting an anti consequentialist is what lots of us want but you are burying your lede way down in your body copy.

I am already a huge fan of what you are doing

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thanks so much, Mark! that means a lot to me. and that's a great idea: I shall definitely do it!

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Also I’d have some amount of:

Here is what smug EA says, here is how that blows up in your face. They just don’t get called and you are the woman to do it

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thank you! and thanks again for your excellent advice re providing summaries: i've added some.. :)

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This editorial in the New York Times is very much in agreement with you.


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I'm more consequentialist than not, and I cheerfully work for a large multinational. I'm sure we'll get along splendidly.

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