Looking forward to more in this series. Thank you.

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thanks so much!

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I enjoyed this. What format do you read philosophy papers in? I find philosophy almost incomprehensible without printing it off, which has its own inconveniences... I wish there were more books which compiled classic papers in different fields along with commentary and explanatory notes (something like this: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262045308/ideas-that-created-the-future/).

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Thanks, Sam! And yeah I also far prefer reading print copies. I love good collections: one of my favourites is Alan Ryan's 'Idea of freedom' (has many classics in it, by many great people), and there are ofc also lots of good collections of essays by individual philosophers (eg I partic like JJ Thomson's 'Rights Restitution and Risk' and Bernard Williams 'Problems of the Self'). But yes, def not enough collections of classic papers by multiple people, except on narrow topics, or in very introductory collections of extracts, etc.. So generally, unless something i want to read happens to be in a collection i have, i just resort to downloading pdfs and reading them on my laptop..

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